Well, today was a big day for me and my kindergarteners! We had SPJ's annual kindergarten program (my first), "The Dinosaur Tea". This program was started by the former kindergarten teacher who retired last year. The whole intention is to showcase our students and the many programs that our school has to offer its students. From the tidbits of information that I was thrown in January, right after our return from Christmas break, I constructed my perception of the program. For the most part, I think I kept the tradition that the students and parents are familiar with. Although because I am coming in new, in the sense of being the new teacher to the building and as the new, first-year teacher, I have been getting quite a few questions about next year's program already. Are you sticking with the dinosaur theme? Are you keeping the tradition exactly as is or are you going to change it up? Why not do another theme? Maybe the dinosaurs have been exhausted in the school?? Quite honestly, I would like to develop a program that is completely my own. It's nice to have things laid out for you and materials made ready (although not all), but being a first-year teacher coming in as I did makes the pressure to flourish creatively higher!
I guess it would be the same for anyone, especially teachers- feeling a greater sense of accomplishment and pride in a program that you developed. It's something that I will have to think about- research some cute songs and themes that would be conducive to encouraging enrollment within our school! I'm hoping that today's events did in fact help with the number of students we will have in pre-school and kindergarten next year. And I have to say- I am really looking forward to getting back into our regular routine. The kids and I are both HUGE fans of consistency and major creatures of habit! These past few weeks have been largely full of crafts and songs and practice! Do I even remember are regular schedule???!!! I won't have to worry about that- they'll know! It never fails to make me laugh when they point out something that I had "missed" in our routine! I really was getting emotional about them all today too. My principal and I were talking about their performance, and I mentioned how proud I was of their hard work. I also mentioned that I was happy to see many of them returning to our school for first grade. I want to be able to see them progress- have them close by! And like she said, this class will always hold a major part of my heart! They are in fact my very first group of students! I was getting teary-eyed thinking about it! Ah! It's only February! How am I going to be in May and June! Oh my! It was also nice to hear from my principal that she saw a HUGE improvement in them and that they have made MAJOR progress in the few months that I have been with them! :) *Sigh! I have a huge headache from today- and majorly need the time to unwind from these last few weeks- BUT I love my kids.
Student: Miss Hilty?
Me: Yea?
Student: Can I tell you something kind of important?
Me: Of course!
Student: Well, I just wanted to tell you that you are a very special teacher to me and that I love you.
(Honestly- a conversation I had yesterday with one of my girls!)
~I Love My Job!~
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