Okay! I made the initial step in order to get things going as far as subbing for this school year! I've made the calls and am just waiting on the responses and my paper work to be processed. I should be up and going at the very latest by the end of September! My plan is to start out subbing one day a week and gradually increase it as I get comfortable (and hopefully receive requests within certain classrooms). I'm placing the situation in God's hands and am going to maintain faith that he'll direct my life's path. As long as I am open to each and every opportunity that is presented to me, I should have my career going one of these days! It's not going to be easy, but I have to use my skills and my acquired degree to my advantage. I've been doing A LOT of thinking lately and have even considered starting over completely- earning a degree in something more marketable at the present time. But, I need to be smart about this. I have a degree that I can utilize, it's just going to take some work on my behalf. Honestly, there were days I HATED subbing, but then there were days I was grateful to be apart of the classroom environment (with the bonus of no planning on my part). I need to remember the joys of the classroom environment as I get back into this, otherwise I'll drive myself crazy with trepidation. Wish me luck and say some prayers that I can maintain my focus and continue to see myself ultimately attaining my goal of having my own classroom one day!!!!
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