Okay......Now that I have successfully managed to obtain a Bachelor's Degree/Teaching License, I am unable to utilize them like I was hoping. You know when you're in high school (especially around the time of your senior year) when they ask you: "Where do you see yourself in ten years?".....well, I am closely approaching that ten year mark and have yet to accomplish that which I had set out to do. The first school year after my graduation from Walsh University I wasn't as discouraged or frustrated with my inability to attain a teaching job. I mean, I did graduate in December and with the economy as it is, I reconciled myself to being without the classroom I was hoping for until the following year. I had one interview where I was told that the position really was already filled and not to really be hopeful of attaining it. I didn't. So along with two waitressing jobs, I became a substitute teacher within the Canton City School district. By the end of the school year, I was so burnt out from working three jobs at 60 to 70+ hours a week that I was beginning to become easily discouraged with the job search. Well I have had a renewed sense of motivation for this upcoming school year and have been searching, calling, faxing, and pushing my name into every school I can think of since before this past school year was completed. My first interview was held a week before the 2008-2009 school year had ended. The principal was extremely encouraging! I left the interview very excited and planning for my upcoming Third grade classroom! I had been enrolled in a Master's level course at the time of the interview (to renew my teaching license for another two years) and centered all of the assignments around a Third grade setting in order to feel more prepared!!!
There really is no disappointment like that which I felt the day I got the voicemail.
Being a second choice for the position due to inexperience is not something an entry-level teacher wants to hear- ever! My first thoughts were: "How am I supposed to gain experience if no one will take me on as a first year teacher????!" I have been doing everything that everyone says to do..... (1) check the websites everyday for newly posted positions (2) fax and mail resumes and letters of interest to every school regardless of jobs being available or not (3) bug the heck out of them- be relentless in getting them to remember your name (4) utilize every possible connection you have!!!! This checklist of things to do landed me a screening interview with Canton City. The interviewer mentioned to me as I walked into his office that regardless of whether or not I was hired for this particular position, I had many highly respected professionals who thought highly of my ability and performance as an educator. Encouraging words to hear at an interview, right? Apparantly not enough to land me the second round of call back interviews with the principal. Discouraging to say the least. I am now attempting to hound a few different school districts in order to land "aide" positions..........Here we go again......fingers crossed and frustration put to the side (for the moment)......
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